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Genealogy, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts Beverly surnames include: Abbott, Adams, Allen, Anderson, Andrews, Appleton, Arbuckle, Arnold, Ashby, Ashton, Babson, Batchelder, Baker, Babcock, Bailey, Balch, Barnes, Barr, Barett, Barry, Barter, Bartlett, Basie, Bates, Bean, Beckford, Bell, Bennett, Benson, Berry, Bickford, Biles, Bishop, Bisson, Black, Blacker, Blanchard, Blashfield, Blowers, Blyth, Boden, Bomer, Bond, Bootman, Bourne, Bowden, Bowles, Boyden, Boyles, Bradburn, Bradford, Bradshaw, Bradstreet, Bragdon, Bragg, Bray, Brazil, Brew, Briant, Bridges, Brimmer, Brower, Brown, Bryant, Buckler, Buckman, Buffington, Bullock, Bunker, Burbank, Burchstead, Burk, Burke, Burley, Burnham, Burpee, Burrows, Busnell, Butler, Butman, Byles, Byley, Cabot, Calef, Caldwell, Calley, Campbell, Cant, Carey, Carrico, Carroll, Carter, Cary, Cave, Cavendish, Cavenier, Chace, Chadwick, Champney, Chapleman, Chapman, Charnoch, Cheever, Chipman, Choate, Chubb, Church, Clark, Claxton, Clayton, Cleaves, Clement, Clemons, Clerk, Coburn, Cody, Coggin, Coggswell, Colburn, Cole, Combs, Conant, Cook, Coombs, Coram, Cordwell, Corning, Corral, Cox, Coye, Craft, Crampsey, Creesy, Crockett, Crombie, Cross, Crowley, Cue, Currell, Curry, Currier, Curtain, Curtis, Cutler, Cutter, Dale, Dame, Dane, Darby, Davis, Day, Dean, Dedman, Deland, Dempsy, Dennis, Derby, Dike, Dixey, Dodge, Doggett, Dole, Dove, Dow, Dowling, Down, Drinker, Driver, Dudley, Dunham, Dyke, Dyson, Easte, Eaton, Eborns, Eden, Edwards, Egan, Eldridge, Ellinwood, Elliot, Ellis, Ellwell, Emerson, Endicott, English, Evans, Evelith, Farris, Fatal, Feilder, Fellows, Felton, Fergerson, Fielder, Fifield, Filden, Fillmore, Fisk, Flagg, Flint, Floyd, Fluant, Folson, Foote, Ford, Fornis, Foster, Fowler, Francis, Frankland, French, Friend, Frost, Fuller, Gage, Gale, Gallaway, Gallison, Gallop, Galloupe, Gardner, Garland, Geare, Gentlee, Giddings, Gifford, Giles, Glidden, Glover, Gold, Goldsbury, Goodhue, Goodrich, Goodridge, Goodwin, Gordon, Gould, Graham, Grant, Graves, Gray, Green, Greenwood, Griffin, Griggs, Grimes, Groce, Gross, Grover, Groves, Grush, Guild, Guippy, Gyles, Hadlock, Hale, Hall, Ham, Hammond, Hanners, Hardy, Hardie, Harlow, Harmon, Harrington, Harris, Hart, Harvey, Haseltine, Haskell, Hatch, Hathorne, Hayes, Hayward, Hazeltine, Hazen, Hebbert, Henderson, Hennesey, Heron, Herrick, Highsale, Hildreth, Hill, Hilton, Hinkley, Hitchings, Hix, Hoag, Hoar, Hobbs, Hogan, Holt, Homan, hood, Hoogerzeil, Hoop, Hopper, Horrell, Hoskins, Hovey, How, Howard, Howe, Howlett, hoyt, Hubert, Hull, Humphrey, Hunt, Hurley, Ingersoll, Ives, Jackson, Jamison, Jeffords, Jenness, Johns, Johnson, Jones, Josephs, Kemball, Kennison, Kenny, Kent, Kerry, Kettle, Kilham, Kimball, Kinsman, Kittle, Kittredge, Knight, Knowlton, Lagro, Lakeman, Lamson, Lancaster, lane, Langdell, Larabee, Larcom, Laskey, Leach, LeCody, Lee, Leech, Lefavour, Lemon, Lennon, Leslie, Lewis, Lincoln, Little, Littlefield, Long, Lord, Loring, Lovett, Low, Ludden, Lufkin, Lummus, Lunt, Lynch, McCormack, McKeen, Mclallen, Majory, Mann, Manning, Mansfield, Marble, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Mascoll, Mason, Masury, Mattenley, Matthews, Maxcey, Maxfield, Maxwell, May, Meacom, Mears, Meecham, Meek, Messervey, Mighorst, Miller, Millet, Millikin, Montgomery, Monier, Moore, Morgan, Morrill, Morse, Moses, Moulton, Mudge, Muncey, Munroe, Murry, Mylon, Nash, Needham, Neves, Newbury, Newcomb, Nicholls, Norris, Norton, norwood, Nourse, Noyes, Oakman, Obear, Ober, Odell, Odlin, Ogelvie, Oliphant, Oliver, Osborn, Osman, Osmond, Outein, Overs, Page, Palmer, Parker, Parlor, Parnal, Parrot, Parsons, Patch, Patterson, Peabody, Pearson, Pedrick, Peirce, Pennell, Perkins, Perry, Pert, Phelps, Philbrook, Pickard, Pickett, Pickman, Pickworth, Pike, Pindar, Pitman, Plummer, Poland, Pollard, Poole, Poor, Porter, Potter, Pousland, Prescott, Preston, Price, Pride, Prince, Proctor, Pulsifer, Putman, Quartermass, Quiner, Paleigh, Rand, Rantoul, Ray, Rayment, Raymond, Rea, Read, Reading, Remmond, Reynolds, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rogers, Roots, Rose, Ross, Roundy, Runnells, Russell, rutland, Safford, Sallows, Sampson, Samuel, Sanborn, Sanders, Sanderson, Sands, Sargent, Saunders, Savory, Sawyer, Saxby, Scampton, Searles, Sears, Seawasrd, Selamn, Sergant, Servey, Seward, Sewell, Shaw, Sheldon, Sherman, Sheilds, Sikes, Silver, Simons, Skerry, Skidmore, Slew, Smith, Solaris, Southwick, Spafford, Spaulding, Spencer, Spiller, Spiney, Spriggs, Springer, Stacey, Standley, Steel, Stephens, Steward, Stickland, Stickney, Stocker, Stone, Story, Stott, Stowe, Stricker, Sugden, Sumner, Swarton, Sykes, Symmes, Symmons, Tapley, Tarble, Tarbox, Taylor, Thissell, Thomas, Thompson, Thorkdike, Thurston, Tibbets, Tittle, Torrey, Toulan Tovy, Towne, Trask, Tree, Treelance, Trophater, Trout, Trow, Trussell, Tuck, Tucker, Turner, Twiss, Utsen, Vannam, Very, Vickery, Vincent, Wadden, Waite, Wakefield, Walden, Wales, Walker, Wallace, Wallis, Walter, Waltham, Ward, Warters, Watson, Watts, Webb, Webber, Webster, Weeks, Welch, Wells, Wendell, Wentworth, West, Weston, Wheller, Whippler, White, Whiterage, Whitmarsh, Whitney, Whitridge, Whittemore, Wiggin, Wilburn, Wilkins, Willard, Willet, Williams, Wilson, Winn, Withey, Wood, Woodbury, Wooden, Woodman, Woods, Worsley, Wroten, Wright, Wyatt, Wyer, Wyman, Yarrington, Yates, Yeat, York, Young...
Services Offered Resources Overview I am a professional genealogist, historical researcher, lecturer and author, specializing in New England family research. I have also been employed as an Archivist/Librarian, Local Historian, Staff Genealogist, and recently as the Interim Executive Director, of the Beverly Historical Society & Museum. For many years I wrote a biweekly "Beverly History" column for the Salem Evening News. I am currently a member of the Beverly Historical Society, President of the Balch House Associates, [a family association] and serve on the Beverly Historical Society's Board of Directors. I am also a member of the Essex Society of Genealogist, member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Peabody/Essex Museum, and many other research libraries and societies. Because of my association with these various groups, I have access to the items listed below.
In addition if the search for your ancestor take us to Beverly, MA, I may be able to provide these additional listed items.
Services Offered I will research your family line, in as much detail as you request. I will provide photo copies of source records when possible and document all sources. This data will be presented to you in report format, and I will also provide printed "pedigree" charts of the clients direct lines. The client can limit the scope of the search in relation to time spent and biographical depth and additional surname lines developed. Questions? What will this cost? Go to the Fee Schedule on the FAQ page! Still more questions?? E-mail me for more information at: Be sure to include the words "Genealogy Detective" in the subject field so my e-mail sorter will catch your important message!